Paddling in Presence
On this tour we paddle in open Indian canoes for two or three persons. You will learn basic paddling techniques and the associated safety guidelines.
Paddling is all about connecting with the rhythm of the water and the motion of the canoe. To tune into this connection, we get to be attentive, try things out and sometimes make mistakes. Along our journey I lead you through a series of exercises to explore how the moving on water and the rocky surroundings of the Kolovesi National Park resonate in you. There will be space to reflect on the experience by yourself and with the group.
Ancient rock paintings and the highly endangered Saimaa ringed seal make the Kolovesi National Park a very special place for our day trip. On the way, we will have a break on a beautiful rocky island. Please bring your own lunch, ECHO ENTERS offers tea/coffee and traditional Karelian pie.
Couples, please note:
I offer a modified version of this tour designed for couples. In addition to the concept described above, in this version I also address the verbal and non-verbal communication between the paddling partners. Paddling in Presence for Couples is an opportunity for you who wants to deepen the practice of responsive, compassionate listening one another and embrace the meaningful experience of 'being in the same boat’. On the way, you will be led through exercises that support your shared path.
On this trip there will be a extra person who will serve as a paddling partner for the guide.
Duration: 8h
Level of difficulty: The trip is easy, but some physical endurance is required. Length: 11km or 14 km
Language: English, Finnish, German
Group size: 3-6 persons, (Paddling in Presence for Couples: 2 persons)
Included: Paddling equipment, tea/coffee, Karelian pie, drinking water
Pick-up location: Kolovesi National Park, Kirkkoranta parking area, Kirkkorannantie 200, Enonkoski
Availability: May-November
Gear needed: Waterproof shoes, clothing
suitable for the weather, water bottle, lunch, snacks
Price: 160 €/person, 15% discount for families with two or more than two children
Paddling in Presence for Couples: 480 €/couple
Please note: Swimming skills are required. Booking and Cancellation Conditions
After booking you will receive further information about the trip. For questions please contact me.
For more information about
Kolovesi National Park please check